
Meet The Team

Dillan Boyling

Owner & Detailer
Time Detailing
6 Years
Specialist Areas
Machine polishing/correction
Dream Car
Ferrari F40
Favourite Sport
Football COYS!
What Is It About Your Business That Sets You Apart
It doesn't matter of you have a 15 year old Ford Fiesta or a brand new Ferrari, I treat every vehicle the same. I run an honest company and won't take advantage of your booking. If your vehicle doesn't need something I will tell you. I absolutely love the feeling when my customers come out and see their vehicles once we have finished
Insipirational Quote
"Judge me not by the mistakes made but by the effort I made to be the man standing in front of you"

Coralee Boyling

Owner & Admin
Time Listening To Dillan Talking About Detailing
6 Years
Specialist Area
Book Keeping
Dream Car
Mercedes A45 AMG
Favourite Hobby
Watching Reality TV
Insipirational Quote
"Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly <3"

Bradley Boyling

Apprentice Detailer
Time Detailing
1 Year
Area you wish to specialise in
All of it
Dream Car
Ford Mustang GT 1967 In Dark Grey
Favourite Hobby
What Is It About Your That Sets You Apart
Since joining Perflection Detailing I feel that I'm not going to work everyday but doing something that I am passionate about and I really enjoy learning all the techniques. I really like the different types of cars we get to work on, every car has It's own story. I can't wait until I am fully trained. I am also looking forward to becoming an accredited detiler.